What is next???
Welcome! It has been a few months or more like 6 months since I posted on my blog. Partly due to needing a break because I had other things I was doing and partly due to some ideas I had floating around in my head. To be honest, I struggle with focusing on one thing. I have several different interests and at times I struggle with saying no which can be tied to feeling that I am missing out on something important or even on a deeper level that I am not living up to potential or opportunities. This is really a scarcity mindset that can be used as a mechanism of control and oppression which will keeps a person spinning their wheels on the small things while missing out on the larger issues or the larger needs around them.
This is my journey; to understand how to work through this deep belief that has been with me for most of my adult life, work on creating better care of myself through a variety of approaches, and writing on criminal justice issues which is really about working on racial justice issues. I see all these items as linked together. To take of myself, I need to be aware of the ways in I contribute to the pain and oppression of others. If I continue to do contribute to the pain of others, I can never truly care of myself. Pain is an experienced that occurs within the shared humanity of everyone. As a white person, I don’t intentionally want or believe I cause pain but I am part of the system (whether I want to be a part or not) that does oppress others. This is a fact and the more we acknowledge the reality, the more we can move onto the work of caring for ourselves thereby caring for others. It is not a one way process but more like a circular process or a feedback process. One feeds the other which feeds another.
I hope you enjoy this journey with me because it will be a ride!
What is next??
The journey of self care and racial justice work.