The Election is Coming!

As I write this, the election in the United States is a tomorrow. I have already had the chance to vote and did so through absentee ballot.  In my home state of Michigan, absentee voting is now a standard part of the voting process and I no longer need a reason to vote absentee.  For our family, it was the move to avoid COVID 19 as well as potentially long waits.  From what I have read so far, this election will be one that will have record turn out and voting by variety of groups that have not traditionally voted in the last election. This election has been on my mind for a while as well as been a source of stress and worry for so many others.  I am worried for the direction of the United States, I am worried for an increase in hate and division and I am worried about a national plan/strategy for the current COVID 19 pandemic.  We need greater leadership to come together and to help work as a united team to drive down the numbers and deaths from COVID 19.  I know I am experiencing COVID fatigue from being home for months, from limiting my contact with others outside of my family and having limited social engagements with others. This experience has shaped me in ways that have allowed me to look at how I want to live my life when things are hard and this experience has brought out some deeper needs that I am addressing in my own therapy. For this election, my plan is to focus on what I need to do to care for myself. I want to share some of the things I am going to do to care for myself and my own mental health.

Voting and taking action

First, I voted.  Voting is a necessary part of the democratic process as well as it allows agency over the process. This election has been chaotic in the blaming/shaming and name calling. It has been hard to wade through the lies, myths and half truths. I see voting as one way I can take control over a chaotic experience.  I am also taking action.  At my own precinct, I trained to become an election challenger with my local political party. This is another action of agency for my own well being. The ability to be a part of the process and make a small impact in the way I can. The next thing that needs to happen will be doing the things that help.  This includes taking a break from social media, reading books, yoga, mindfulness and being with those I love the most in my life.  I have a sincere hope this election will bring about change and hopefully a direction that will be more inclusive of others as well as of people of color. Our country needs to move towards a more diverse and inclusive community that values the lives of everyone, that supports those who struggle the most and wants to make hard decisions in order to address the large societal needs in the US.  I need hope to get through these next few days and to believe that those who live with me in the United States want better too. 


Social Work is Political


Thoughts from the Field