New Year New You Bullsh**

A new year comes with a lot of messaging around being a fresh start and way to re-invent yourself.   Let’s name it as the bullshit it is because there is nothing wrong with you.  In fact, who you are is okay, beautiful and valid. 

A new year does bring a sense of needing to re-examine ourselves but it can be a time to celebrate and to look towards to the future. Being alive another year, being with our beloved people, and the experiences of life that are enjoyable can be a celebration.  One of the things that brings me joy and something I hope to share more of in the new year is my poetry.  I wrote the following to a fellow social workers and all the ways social workers show up for others, use their resiliency and even how social workers provide hope in times of darkness.  I hope you enjoy this love letter to social workers.

Love Letter to a Social Worker

This time is hard

The pain, suffering and anguish you see in others hurts.

You might feel like a sponge

Soaking and absorbing it all in.

Heavy with the burden of others; the weight of it all.

Somedays it feels like too much.

Too much pain, too much feeling.

Too much to lose but still;

You show up, tuck it away.

You become the light.

The beacon of hope.

Not just for others and their pain but for your own.

You become an inner warrior.

Showing others what is possible.

Showing up as the best of humankind; a light and possibility.

Knowing within your own hope and power is the hope and power for others.

Being a voice and strength for those;

Who feel they nothing more to give.

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