Happy Holidays!

I will be taking the next few weeks off to spend with my family, recover from 2020 and look forward to 2021. The end of the year/beginning of a new year is one of my favorite times of the year. It’s an ending, a review and a time to be aware of other cultures and customs and to slow down. This time of the year is about the celebration of Hanukkah, Kwanza, Boxing Day, Christmas, and Winter Solstice to name a few holiday celebrations. It can be a time to slow down, renew and to be in the present moment. I appreciate all those who have read my blog, engaged on social media and been a support. I hope this season will be a time for you to slow down and rest. I need the rest and I am guessing everyone in the world could use it too. I will be back January 11th 2021 with a new blog post and content geared to social workers and issues important to social workers.

Thank for for 2020…even though it was hard, long, painful and definitely a stretch year.

Thank for for 2020…even though it was hard, long, painful and definitely a stretch year.


Self Care Group


Family relationships are hard!